JeffJaymes's Channel
JeffJaymes has no videos available.
I quit my job to become a full time YouTuber. Please help me I need this. I make real good quality videos with lots of stale memes. I guess I'm funny. You'll laugh at my jokes and you won't know why, I won't either.

~Just don't be ******* stupid | Also its your fault
Variations of my intro so far:

Hey guys Jeff Jaymes here
Hey Jeff guy Jaymes here
Hey Jaymes guy Jeff here
Hey here Jeff guy Jaymes
Jeff guys Jaymes hey here
Jaymes guys here hey Jeff
Hey manly bois im Jeff
Hey gals I'm boy man
Hey guys flacid dwarf here
Hello everybody my name is Markiplier
Hey guys Jeff here (scarce meme lol @Justin)
I ain't got a small dick
Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff
Cheerios suck
Tic Tac Toe is a national sport
Hey hey hey hey hey
Goodbye Jeffree Friends I am lost

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userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 1.70 main response parse finish at: 2.00 getAdditionalSections finish at: 2.30 applyHTML finish at: 2.30