Yako zizi
Yako zizi's Channel
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Yako zizi
hello dearest world....this is me

I am Yako, you can call me yako
I make animation content
(Sometimes gacha too)

My content is mostly +13/+15 now
(So if you're below 13, I'd recommend you not to watch my content)

My bday is at (8th May)😊

Pronounce: (any pronounce is acceptable)

Can't really animate, hahah

I mostly do SAMS animation
Or Sun & Moon AUs 😌☕️
(Mostly swap AU now).... not anymore 😬
Now I do my old series, which is Forbidden Forest 🫡

I appreciate it to be in this world
I may not post often, but I will post as much as I can
Have a fantastic day!!

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