Robin Lights
Robin Lights's Channel
Robin Lights has no videos available.
Robin Lights
Click here for information 👈👉.

This is a Synthwave video channel 🎹🎬
I hope you will enjoy your visit.

I create 80s and 90s Synthwave music videos in my spare time with nostalgia and aesthetics of those years synchronised to the music inspired by those decades. I do skip a few years in time every now and then though.

*(Requests are on hold, but you can always try)
Your best chance to get a video for your music is to make sure I listen to it.
I can't make any promises about making a video for you though.
I create these videos driven by feeling. Sadly I'm not a production machine :)
You can send me audio files or send me Bandcamp, Youtube or Soundcloud links only (I do actually listen). Please don't send me Spotify links or any other services that require me to make another account. The chances that I will create a video for a track with vocals are very small..
You can contact me by email at robinlights23@gmail dot com.

Robin ;)

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