ArtsSquared's Channel
ArtsSquared has no videos available.
"Arts² helped me to improve my skills. I'm member for over one year now, I've gone every single step with the team: And yes, I would definitely say that it's like a family to me." - Hovar (Leader, Member since October 2012)

Arts² was founded by Luc Gibson and Paolo Sabatella in 2012 via Twitter. People got recruited, but the standards were never at a high level. In 2013 we decided to make a fresh new start and Hovar started to recruit members. In 4 Days we increased our popularity in the community and got lot of requests. As sad as it is that we had to say goodbye to the old members to reach our personal goals, but we have also found a possibility of promoting their skills and talents: Therefore we got the channel Community², where you can get an upload via applying.

Becoming a member is a long way of improving your talents, but feel free to apply every time you want to. For applying or any other requests just message our channel on YouTube or add one of the leaders on Skype.
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