Jerry Explores History
Jerry Explores History's Channel
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Jerry Explores History
Jerry Explores History
A history focused channel. We will look at ancient Greek history, ancient Chinese history, ancient Native American history, and everything in between. We will dig into primary documents, secondary sources, re-enact, and analyze in-depth.

I almost became a history major back in college at University of Pennsylvania, but I decided to get a more broad liberal arts education. I've has always loved history, tuning into NOVA, Frontline, and other documentary shows about history since I was a kid. I also loved reading about history through books. After starting many YouTube channels, I realized that a history one would be something I'd be extremely passionate about too. I think I have an ability to tell stories and an ability to synthesize that is rare. I hope you enjoy my enthusiasm and my way of condensing the information.

Like always, I look forward to your feedback and your topic suggestions too. We will learn about history together! Happy learning! When in doubt, read!
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