Lucrezia Undomiel.
Lucrezia Undomiel.'s Channel
Lucrezia Undomiel. has no videos available.
Lucrezia Undomiel.
All my videos,their music and clips belong to their legitimate owners. I do not own them. My videos are made simply for passion and for no profit of any kind. My videos are purely fanmades and fandubs no copyright infringements intended ©

╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥
╚═♫╝╚═╩═╩♫╩═╝ music

Hello to everyone!
I'm Lucrezia,and i'm 20 years old. i'm from Italy,and my biggest passion is singing! but i Love dub and act too!
I really hope you like it my videos,and if you really like them please subscrive and tell me what you think;)♥

Hope you like it my channel!! ^.^
Lots of kisses!! byeeeeeee!! xxx
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