To all who watch my videos, all I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all are the reason I started to upload again. Thank you to all of you for now 14 years worth of videos.
My channel as you can tell focuses mainly on Nintendo games from a variety of series like Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong along with a few other series sprinkled in. All of these are played on official Nintendo Systems (no non-official Nintendo Emulators are used). I focus now more on walkthroughs, boss battles, and guides to help people.
My upload schedule is unfortunately not consistent and won't be as I work Full-Time (5am-1:30) five days in a row and am also a 24/7 caregiver to a loved one who has dementia. In other words, I amaze myself sometimes that I get content out. So if I do not upload for a while, do not be alarmed. Trust me, when I want to get a video out, I do.
My footage is created and edited all by myself.
I am also a proud Nintendo stockholder as well.
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