Solid shows, feels films & great games
He/Him. 1 or more weekly review vlogs on a movie and/or show. Leading up to almost any show review, I will do a spoiler-ridden video on each episode, as soon as I've watched it, daily(shows with 52+ eps total) or weekly(ones with less, and current ones). I review current comic book adaptations, especially superhero films. There are directors, franchises, etc. that I follow, and I do some Disney+ stuff that looks interesting to me. Otherwise I rarely review current stuff. I'm a Progressive, and strongly oppose the "anti-woke" movement, so note that all of my recent videos reflect this. It is vital to me that movies and shows communicate values similar to my own, and when it comes to recent additions to long-time franchises(Star Wars, DC, the MCU) I favor that they explore issues relevant for minority groups, especially young members, over maintaining long-term canon or appealing to long-time fans. I try to find positives to say about everything I vlog about, particularly as a leftist.
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