Handheld TECH
Handheld TECH's Channel
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Handheld TECH

Willkommen und Hallo 👋
Auf meinem Kanal findest du alles über Gaming, Technik, Retro uvm.
Wenn dir die Videos gefallen, abonniere kostenlos diesen Kanal und teile die Videos :)

Welcome and hello 👋
On this channel you will find everything about gaming, technology, retro and much more.
If you like the videos, subscribe to this channel for free and share the videos :)


❍ Erste Konsole:
Nintendo Gameboy - 1992

❍ PC History:
Erstkontakt: Vobis Highscreen 286/12Mhz - 1990
Erster PC: Vobis Highscreen Sky MiniTower Cyrix686 150+ 120Mhz | Voodoo 3dfx - 1997

► Social Media:
Instergram: https://www.instagram.com/handheld_tech
Discord: https://discord.gg/DqexRKsWDg

#Handheld #RetroHandheld #News #Tutorials
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