Vanilla Bizcotti
Vanilla Bizcotti's Channel
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Vanilla Bizcotti
Hello, my name is Vanilla Bizcotti, and I'm a content creator and musician from Wisconsin. I make all kinds of content, ranging from short clips, to painting tutorials and even sometimes music videos. Growing up around the "golden era" of Adult Swim, some of my favorite shows were "Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job" and "Robot Chicken" and I try my best to put my own spin on shows like that.

If I had to describe my content in one sentence, I think it would be along the lines of: "You probably won't get it the first time, but it's an acquired taste, like room temperature beer.

I hope you enjoy my videos! I don't really have a certain "formula" for what I make except I go by the notion of "if it made me laugh while filming, it'll make someone else laugh too"

My life has always been filled with video making, and content creation and it's pretty sweet I can share all these cool videos with everyone around the world, all from my living room... or toilet.

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