Bernard Smith (Church of Blow)
Bernard Smith (Church of Blow)'s Channel
Bernard Smith (Church of Blow) has no videos available.
Bernard Smith (Church of Blow)
Bernard Smith (Church of Blow)
There's no "i" in team, but there is one in Smith.


ChurchOfBlow is a collaborative project involving the US filmmaker and actor, Jeremiah McDonald, and a British writer whose given name you probably don't need to know.

Jeremiah has his own YouTube channel under the name weepingprophet. He also contributes work to the channel comediedecaen. Both these channels are worthy of your attention.

The writer whose given name you probably don't need to know also has a YouTube channel - organicprankster - but does not make videos, on account of his being a writer, not a filmmaker.

We hope you enjoy these videos. If you do not, we would seek to remind you that there are literally millions of others online to choose from, some of which may more closely suit your entertainment needs.

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