Bet Jim Shorts 2025 Sports Bet and Life Coach
From the Desk of Jim Shorts: Betting and Life Coach 2025.
Hey Turd Logs.
Before I go any further, we need you to be a subscriber, it's free. We are going to be launching our Jim Shorts Podcast Network, and only subscribers will be able to hear. So, subscribe, hit like, notifications, comment, share, all of that bullshit please.
If you listened on the Loop years ago, Larry Wert our old boss is releasing a Loop Documentary this year. This will be on your favorite streaming channels and other outlets.
Please, leave a comment if you have questions for me regarding life issues? I am a Life Coach and I have helped many people like you who are really screwed up.
I want to thank Mike who lives near Flint, Michigan, a real shit pit for all his help keeping this channel up and running, Kevin Matthews, remember that douche bag? He is also helping me, his now a cripple and his legs don't work which is funny to watch this piece of garbage walk.
Eat Me Bitch,
Jim Shorts
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