Bike5 Productions
Bike5 Productions's Channel
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Bike5 Productions
I am that British brickfilmer. Also the Spider-Man guy. Here you can find mostly marvel content whether its my Spider-Man series or my completely separate Avengers AOD series.
I have the canon Bike5 Cinematic Universe (B5CU) which is were most of my videos are set.
Avengers AOD takes place completely separate from the B5CU. Most of my videos are more cartoony and comedy based were AOD is a more realistic and a slightly darker continuous story.

21st April 2020: 1 Subscriber
28th November 2020: 50 Subscribers
25th January 2021: 100 subscribers
6th April 2021: 200 Subscribers
10th April 2021: 300 Subscribers
12th April 2021: 400 Subscribers
13th April 2021: 500 Subscribers
14th April 2021 600 Subscribers
15th April 2021: 700 Subscribers
15th April 2021: 800 Subscribers
16th April 2021: 900 Subscribers
16th April 2021: 1000 SUBSCRIBERS
21st April 2021: 2000 Subscribers
24th April 2021: 3000 Subscribers
29th April 2021: 4000 Subscribers
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