Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford
Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford's Channel
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Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford
Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford
Welcome to the channel of the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford. We are the largest Classics faculty in the world. For over 900 years we have been studying the ancient world at Oxford and we are still at the very centre of discovery and innovation in the subject. We offer an unparalleled range of undergraduate and graduate courses, catering for a huge range of interests

Explore our channel to find content on:
* The research, teaching, and outreach activities of the Faculty,
* Aids for teaching and studying Classical Civilizations, Ancient Greek, and Latin in schools,
* Information about studying Classics at Oxford,
* Information about the experiences of our alumni and alumnae.

Website of the Faculty of Classics: http://www.classics.ox.ac.uk/
Faculty of Classics Podcasts: http://www.podcasts.ox.ac.uk/units/facul...
Faculty of Classics, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClassicsatOxfor...
Classics in Communities: https://classicsincommunities.org/
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