Firuthi “FrostyTheDragon” Dragovic
Firuthi “FrostyTheDragon” Dragovic's Channel
Firuthi “FrostyTheDragon” Dragovic has no videos available.
Firuthi “FrostyTheDragon” Dragovic
Firuthi “FrostyTheDragon” Dragovic
I am an autistic PC gamer from the US who will generally play most genres, with a distinct preference for shooters and platformers. Least favored genres are strategy and simulations, by far. Willing to expand into VR content. I would need good local support to consider going back into consoles as I previously had a fiasco with a PS3.

The dragon aspect might come up once in a while, but hopefully only as it actually pertains to situations at hand.

Formerly known by the names AquaTiger (Speed Demos Archive) and FrostyTheDragon (my pre-rebranding name).

I don't take game requests at this time.

Current project: Mystic Towers (PC)

I drew that avatar pic (I previously had one by Suki262 of FurAffinity).
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