SHOKK's Channel
SHOKK has no videos available.
Not active on Youtube, thank you for the support!

I don't do Youtube or Soundcloud anymore, my passion is elsewhere now. [3D stuff, maybe 2D]
Yes. I am the stupid guy who did 'You Reposted in the Wrong Neighborhood' many years ago on Soundcloud. Thank you for the support as I try to find things I enjoy to do!

This Youtube channel isn't monetized by me, all ad revenue goes to Google.
I also have notifications COMPLETELY disabled. I don't get your replies or comments. Sorry!

And activity you see from me online is a very very small bit of my life. If you draw conclusions and think you know me, you will be disappointed!
(Made lil disclaimer for two reasons. Many still think it's 2014 still! It's not! And second, what I have as viewable is a very small aspect of my life. Drawing conclusions of who and what I am from such is very silly, and I could draw very quick conclusions from people making such assumptions. But it's waste of time cause we're never going to talk so lmao)

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