rishabhrox1's Channel
rishabhrox1 has no videos available.
If you like animation films and languages, this is the right place for ya!

~^~ HALL OF FAME ~^~

*~* No. Of Views *~*
11 June 2012: 100,000 VIEWS!
06 August 2012: 200,000 VIEWS!
10 September 2012: 300,000 VIEWS!
10 October 2012: 400,000 VIEWS!
11 December 2012: 500,000 VIEWS!
30 August 2013: 1,000,000 VIEWS!
25 June 2014: 1,500,000 VIEWS!
23 January 2015: 2,000,000 VIEWS!
8 November 2015: 2,500,000+ VIEWS!
17 May 2016: 3,000,000+ VIEWS!
18 July 2018: 5.6M+ VIEWS!

16 May 2019: 50M VIEWS!!!!

First vid - 12 Sept 2011

*~* No. Of Subs *~*
10 November 2012: 200
6 February 2013: 400
17 May 2013: 600
9 August 2013: 800
20 December 2013: 1000!!!
8 May 2014: 1200
15 August 2014: 1400
15 October 2014: 1600
09 April 2015: 2000
10 February 2016: 2513
16 September 2016: 3000+
22 March 2017: 3500
30 June 2017: 4000
15 May 2018: 5000
18 July 2018: 7153
23 September 2018: 8500
29 Sept. 18: 9000
6 Oct 18: 9.5K
23 Oct 18: 10K!!
7 April 19: 20K!!
9 June 19 - 30K!!
14 Nov 20 - 100K!

Channel Comments
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userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 0.20 main response parse finish at: 0.60 getAdditionalSections finish at: 0.80 applyHTML finish at: 0.80