This is my main channel where I produce reviews of books, comics, video games, movies etc This is also the place where I do political streams and war on nerds. I'm not sugar coating it any longer this channel is political if you don't like it unsub.
I'm also going to reinforce a policy that I was not enforcing hard enough. Fascists are not welcomed on my channel of any kind. I will block and delete comments from fascist that show up on my channel I will not tolerate their kind any longer.
This is a place that is safe for the LBGQ+, indigenous, black, Catholic, Muslim, Jew and any other persecuted groups that exist.
Solidarity to all my comrades from all over the world May the proletariat of the world unite.
I'm also going to reinforce a policy that I was not enforcing hard enough. Fascists are not welcomed on my channel of any kind. I will block and delete comments from fascist that show up on my channel I will not tolerate their kind any longer.
This is a place that is safe for the LBGQ+, indigenous, black, Catholic, Muslim, Jew and any other persecuted groups that exist.
Solidarity to all my comrades from all over the world May the proletariat of the world unite.
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