Cerulean Seal
Cerulean Seal's Channel
Cerulean Seal has no videos available.
Cerulean Seal
I'm too lazy to fix all of this beyond my name cause apparently YT mobile reverted my handle, but yeah this is super outdated. I'm on twitch sometimes. I want to do more. Life is hard

Hey everyone, the name is CeruleanSeal! I'm a very poorly schedule managed LPer who makes too many empty promises (I have two more projects planned soon I swear) and likes to mess around with music be it parodies, midies, or anything of a sort as filler. welcome to the channel, enjoy your stay.

Current projects:

Synthesia compositions: Whenever I feel like it

possible let's plays for the future:
Kirby's return to dreamland
Legend of Zelda:ocarina of time
Legend of Zelda:skyward sword
Super Mario...anything really
Yoshi's island
Yoshi's story
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