Winter's Dusk In Mistful Abyss
Winter's Dusk In Mistful Abyss's Channel
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Winter's Dusk In Mistful Abyss
Winter's Dusk In Mistful Abyss
Winter's Dusk In Mistful Abyss (official) ● Music Community ●
This place is about Music, Photography, Poetry, Nature, Universe, Literature. This place is a shelter.

● Post Rock, Post Metal, Experimental Rock, Ambient, Shoegaze, Black Metal, Doom, Death Metal and all the subgenres.
Enjoy the journey into ethereal landscapes, through the dark paths of atmospheric & melodic sounds...

● This is a non-profit channel, made only for fun and for supporting bands and artists, mostly underground, underrated, unknown.
We share songs, cause of our passion for these music genres.
We create, support, exposure, promote fine music & art.

● No copyright infringement intended. All the credits to the bands & artists.
If you are an artist who wants your work to be removed, please contact us here:
© w.d.i.m.a.
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