Sam AKA Dank Mozart’s Media Corner 2003
Sup, welcome to the channel. I’m Sam, and I’m an autistic (Asperger’s Syndrome) young adult who is obsessed with collecting VHSs & DVDs. Videos to be expected on this channel include media (VHS, DVD, etc.) updates, openings & closings, effect videos, collection videos, and more. My favorite shows are Strawberry Shortcake (only the 1980s and 2003 series), Care Bears, Lady Lovely Locks, Arthur, Madeline, Angelina Ballerina (used to hate those three but not anymore), Thomas & Friends (along with its sister show Tugs, plus Theodore Tugboat), any anime show, The Wiggles (Greg & Sam eras), Sesame Street (Plus The Muppets), Blue’s Clues (Steve & Joe eras), Baby Einstein, Mario, Angry Birds/Bad Piggies, Allegra’s Window, Tots TV, Brum, Little Bear and The Berenstain Bears. Shows I don’t like are Barney, Teletubbies (outgrew it over time), Dora, Caillou, and some others. But IRYO if you like those shows. So subscribe to me if you like this type of content :)
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