The Watching Relic
The Watching Relic's Channel
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The Watching Relic
Hello, my name is The Watching Relic.

I started MOCing in 2009, my first ever Bionicle set was Tuma. I was introduced to Bionicle by my good friend at the time ManiaMac1613. We lived about a block away from each other for years. I was always a lurker during the days of old BioTube, and finally decided to start posting my MOCs back in 2016, partially inspired by Bionicle G2 even though it ended soon after I began making videos.

I've slowed down a lot recently when it comes to making new MOCs. The hobby isn't necessarily dead for me but I'd be surprised if I ever dedicate a great deal of time to building from here on out. However, I still hold a lot of love for Bionicle to this day. I doubt that will ever change. All the memories I have related to Bionicle and TWR are priceless. Thanks to all who have supported my work, it means the world.

I hope you enjoy taking a look at some of my creations from over the years. Grab a cup of tea, get comfortable, and watch the lime joints crack.

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