Klinskiy Kop
Klinskiy Kop's Channel
Klinskiy Kop has no videos available.
Klinskiy Kop
🔞 VIDEOS WITHOUT "FILTERS" ☝ ️ (there is profanity 18+).
☠ this channel "Klin COP" Is the life of an ordinary Kopar (fans of the instrument search) without a script, and over etiquette .
On our channel, we will show you real departures (pit, COP in the old days, attic search, search in abandoned areas, search on tracts, of course, forest COP, COP on beaches and on water), videos without "filters" - please take this into account (if there are children nearby, we do not recommend viewing in their presence!).
Community of treasure hunters, Tver and Moscow regions, as well as all fans of instrument search. Kopar (comrades and camrade) welcome to our channel!
#klinskikh always "In" for joint pokatushki.
Group in VK " treasure Hunters of Moscow region, Tver, Klin»:
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