luis_sera speedrun
luis_sera speedrun's Channel
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luis_sera speedrun
Hello, I'm luis_sera, I'm 31 years old, I'm French and I speedrun Resident Evil 4 (OG) :) I also do some Mercenaries for "fun". I've been running this game and streaming it on Twitch since 2016.

I've run many categories and versions on this game, so you can find a list of all my PBs on my links below, you can click on the "PBs" link, it's a sheet with all my PBs (you can also click on the "" link, but this one is less detailed).

I regularly stream on Twitch so this is where you can find my PB attempts, the link is below too, this YouTube channel is mainly for uploading Twitch PBs (or offline runs).

If you want to check a detailed and complete version of the RE4 leaderboards (including Mercs scores, Segmented runs and a lot of other info), you can click on the "Leaderboards" link, it's another sheet.

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