D Turner Gaming
D Turner Gaming's Channel
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D Turner Gaming
I don't currently have a consistent schedule for streaming right now other than being able to stream on my days off. For now, though, I provide what entertainment that I can to my viewers with the games that my hardware will allow me to stream.

I mainly play/stream retro, retro-ish, and some new-ish games.

I hope you'll enjoy the content and if you do, please like, comment and subscribe!

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/dturnergaming

Discord: D Turner Gaming#5209

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/D-Turner-Gaming...

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/dturnergam...

Battle.Net (Blizzard): dtgaming#11665

GOG (Good Old Games): https://www.gog.com/u/wereviper
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