Olde Vampyr
Nonconformists travel as a rule in bunches. You rarely find a nonconformist who goes it alone. And woe to him inside a nonconformist clique who does not conform with nonconformity.
Eric Hoffer
This is a comment that Tony has deleted from his video:
metalskinstudios 50 minutes ago
So, let me get this straight: you filing dmca's is a set up against you?
Look, I can appreciate you don't want her to mirror your videos, for whatever reason. But this video here seems like an attempt to muddy the water and justify yourself.
I've had people I didn't like make videos about me, and never flagged or dmca anyone. Your explanation is unsatisfactory to me. So far, I still don't understand your position. I'm tryin' to understand you, but you ain't makin' it easy. Very sad.
Eric Hoffer
This is a comment that Tony has deleted from his video:
metalskinstudios 50 minutes ago
So, let me get this straight: you filing dmca's is a set up against you?
Look, I can appreciate you don't want her to mirror your videos, for whatever reason. But this video here seems like an attempt to muddy the water and justify yourself.
I've had people I didn't like make videos about me, and never flagged or dmca anyone. Your explanation is unsatisfactory to me. So far, I still don't understand your position. I'm tryin' to understand you, but you ain't makin' it easy. Very sad.
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