RetroDeath Reviews
RetroDeath Reviews's Channel
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RetroDeath Reviews
First Review: "Blood" in October 2016
Banner made by BMC.

Reviews - Top Lists - History - Black Metal/Industrial - Walkthroughs - Urban Exploration
On everything dark n spooky. And sometimes not.

If you don't know me, I'm obsessed with Black metal, Industrial, and 90s everything. I review games/cartoons, make lists, and write dark music. I also run "The Apogee Museum", a project of mine in hopes to showcase, support, and archive everything regarding 3D Realms and ID Software. Links to my Alternate channel and FB Page for that are also at the bottom.

Note: I don't yet have a consistent upload schedule. Sorry about that. ); These take up days-weeks to make and I'm usually really busy with life stuff. Otherwise, enjoy these labors of love to games & shows that plagued my childhood and life throughout. I do take requests if I have the game/time.

If you want to get in contact with me or see something covered on this channel, you can hit me up through Twitter, FB, Steam, or email. :)
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