David Firth
David Firth's Channel
David Firth has no videos available.
David Firth
I'm David, I make weird dark animation and comedy. Salad Fingers and others.

Supported by Patreon

and t-shirts

PLEASE do not upload my full videos to your own channel. There is no situation where I will allow this. It doesn't matter if your face is in the corner "reacting" to it or you have put foreign dubs or subtitles or anything. Just don't do it. And please don't complain to me when it gets content ID'd. I really don't have the time to go back and reverse any claims or stuff like that so just don't upload my full clips.

** If I haven't put it on Youtube, then I don't want it on Youtube **

YOU MAY however, upload short clips if you are talking about my work or reviewing it or referencing it or dissecting it or something. It should be easy for you to distinguish between what is a reference clip and what is a reupload. Just don't upload full things. I'm not trying to be a d!ck it just ruins my ad revenue.

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