Bunny Lo
Bunny Lo's Channel
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Bunny Lo
Hello music lovers! This is Bunny Lo and welcome to my channel. Here I will mainly be posting my English pop song covers and perhaps some dance covers too if I feel like it, lol.

[I think I have seen your music elsewhere...]

I originally had a channel called Bunnylomusic which featured some of my song covers along with a myriad different types of videos, however since then, that channel has niched down and my pop music covers uploaded here. :) If you like what you see on this channel, and feel its your cup of tea, please feel free to join us! Welcome to our fun loving community! :)

[How can I contact you for business inquiries?]

Hi there! If you have a business inquiry, please email me at the address below with a detailed description of your proposal and I will get back to you as soon as possible!


♥ Instagram➜ @tntbunnylo
♥ Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/Bunnylomusic
♥ TikTok ➜ bunnylomusic888
♥ 新浪微博➜ @混血罗盈盈
♥ 抖音 ➜ 混血罗盈盈
♥ 腾讯微视➜ 中英混血罗盈盈

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