Please be sure to check out my Speed Run website!
Accepted but not Posted:
Castlevania Chronicles (Blocks 1 & 4)
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection (SS Interlude)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Dark Lord (NG w/ DLC)
Pocket Monsters Midori (Pokémon Green) - Dokokashira Door Glitch
Currently in Verification:
Ace Combat 04 (SS Very Easy)
Ace Combat 5 (SS Very Easy)
Currently on the Verification List:
Recently Submitted:
Somewhere in Limbo:
Star Soldier (PSP, Boss on Parade)
Follow speed run updates on Twitter:
Q) What is speed running?
A) The art of beating games/levels quickly, skillfully, and legitimately.
Q) Can I post your videos on my YouTube channel/Daily Motion/website/etc?
A) No, unless you have my permission.
Q) I want to be your friend on YouTube.
A) Unless I know you, don't bother. You'll be ignored and probably blocked. My friend list isn't posted here for a reason - I'm not a friend whore.
Q) Sub for Sub?
A) No. I do NOT Friend for Friend or Subscribe for Subscribe. If I like your channel, I'll subscribe. I WILL NEVER subscribe/friend just because you subscribed to/friended me.
Q) How do I post videos longer then 15 minutes?
A) If you have to ask, you can't do it, won't be able to do it, and can't do anything about it.
Q) Can I have your YouTube account so I can post super long videos? Especially of wrestling?
Q) Will you run (Insert Game Title here)?
A) Generally, I run games that I want to do...and I have a lot I want to do. If the game is good and runnable, I might. No guarantees.
P.S. I have no plans on running Mega Man 10, so stop asking.
Q) You button mash must be using turbo!
A) HAHAHA. No, I don't use turbo. And I'm not that fast - I only rate about 9 presses per second on a classic controller. There's plenty of people faster then me.
Q) Why do you skip the cutscenes? Can you record X cutscene from X game?
A) Per SDA rules, if a cutscene is skippable, it must be skipped. This is double-important if the in-game timer counts these scenes. No, I won't record a scene for this channel. I'm sure you can find it on YouTube if you look a little bit.
Q) How do you record your speed runs?
A) I have a DVD recorder with a built in HDD. Then I copy those to DVD and then encode using SDA's program called anri-chan. Some HD games I r
Accepted but not Posted:
Castlevania Chronicles (Blocks 1 & 4)
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection (SS Interlude)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Dark Lord (NG w/ DLC)
Pocket Monsters Midori (Pokémon Green) - Dokokashira Door Glitch
Currently in Verification:
Ace Combat 04 (SS Very Easy)
Ace Combat 5 (SS Very Easy)
Currently on the Verification List:
Recently Submitted:
Somewhere in Limbo:
Star Soldier (PSP, Boss on Parade)
Follow speed run updates on Twitter:
Q) What is speed running?
A) The art of beating games/levels quickly, skillfully, and legitimately.
Q) Can I post your videos on my YouTube channel/Daily Motion/website/etc?
A) No, unless you have my permission.
Q) I want to be your friend on YouTube.
A) Unless I know you, don't bother. You'll be ignored and probably blocked. My friend list isn't posted here for a reason - I'm not a friend whore.
Q) Sub for Sub?
A) No. I do NOT Friend for Friend or Subscribe for Subscribe. If I like your channel, I'll subscribe. I WILL NEVER subscribe/friend just because you subscribed to/friended me.
Q) How do I post videos longer then 15 minutes?
A) If you have to ask, you can't do it, won't be able to do it, and can't do anything about it.
Q) Can I have your YouTube account so I can post super long videos? Especially of wrestling?
Q) Will you run (Insert Game Title here)?
A) Generally, I run games that I want to do...and I have a lot I want to do. If the game is good and runnable, I might. No guarantees.
P.S. I have no plans on running Mega Man 10, so stop asking.
Q) You button mash must be using turbo!
A) HAHAHA. No, I don't use turbo. And I'm not that fast - I only rate about 9 presses per second on a classic controller. There's plenty of people faster then me.
Q) Why do you skip the cutscenes? Can you record X cutscene from X game?
A) Per SDA rules, if a cutscene is skippable, it must be skipped. This is double-important if the in-game timer counts these scenes. No, I won't record a scene for this channel. I'm sure you can find it on YouTube if you look a little bit.
Q) How do you record your speed runs?
A) I have a DVD recorder with a built in HDD. Then I copy those to DVD and then encode using SDA's program called anri-chan. Some HD games I r
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