Cristina S
Diplomatami in pianoforte al Conservatorio di Firenze nel 1982 , per 42 anni ho insegnato musica nella Scuola Secondaria di 1° Grado. Oltre suonare, sono appassionata di fotografia e amo andare in giro a scattare per creare immagini di vario genere. Tutte le foto dei video sono mie. I brani eseguiti al mio piano acustico Yamaha mezzacoda, sono modeste esecuzioni dal vivo in cui mi sono autoripresa in casa con la macchina fotografica in modalità video. No sound editing.
I graduated in piano at the Conservatory of Florence in 1982 and I have been teaching for 42 years in the Secondary School 1st Grade . Besides playing, I'm passionate about photography and I love to go around and shoot to create images with various subjects and of various kinds. All photos in my videos are mine. The pieces at my Yamaha acoustic baby grand piano, are modest performances on live in which I shoot myself at home, just with my camera in video mode. No sound-editing.
I graduated in piano at the Conservatory of Florence in 1982 and I have been teaching for 42 years in the Secondary School 1st Grade . Besides playing, I'm passionate about photography and I love to go around and shoot to create images with various subjects and of various kinds. All photos in my videos are mine. The pieces at my Yamaha acoustic baby grand piano, are modest performances on live in which I shoot myself at home, just with my camera in video mode. No sound-editing.
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