Treasure world
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Treasure world
If you are viewing the article, it means you have a dream to buy a metal detector, or it is more efficient to search for the presence of ancient artifacts from different metals at the objects under study. This is a search for artifacts in Western Ukraine, adrenaline, new friends who operate at the excavation site with metal detectors, travel, adventures and unforgettable memories of the history of searches with a metal detector.
Who said that there is no place for exploits and adventures in life?
So there was a thirst to travel by their own land. And then one day these factors converged, and I decided to buy a metal detector.
Now, to organize an adventurous trip, you have to work hard, but the end justifies the means, about ten thousand metal detectors are sold annually. Many bored intellectuals, nomismatics, people engaged in survival are actively involved in the hobby of finding Christian artifacts.

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