thingsandtings's Channel
thingsandtings has no videos available.
This is simply a channel where I upload VHS-related nostalgia. No TV episodes or movies, just promotional material of all sorts and nothing but. ;)

I have other channels on YouTube which I use for more substantial projects, but this is just to help archive the pure nostalgia of putting a VHS in a video player and watching all that occurs before what we wanted to watch it for in the first place. Getting there is half the fun, as they say!

Update: I also want to stress that I only use VHS tapes either from when I was a kid or those I acquired independently through eBay or elsewhere outside of the net. And as this is such a minor hobby of mine, I follow a VERY non-serious approach to this account. As such, I do NOT take requests and I also moderate the comments a tad so that any comments that come aboard are relevant to the uploads in question and are light-hearted and thoughtful. Spouting the obvious about the uploads in the comments adds *nothing*. Thanks. ;)
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