BOYS! You are in high demand. Duet with me? Please? Let me know if you're interested!
If you ask me, I'll most likely be in your collab or duet. I don't like auditioning really...because people always want specifically that song you auditioning for to be covered and it's just too much work to make a cover of every song I'd like to do... only to not make the cut :( But I'll still audition for SOME things.
BOYS! You are in high demand. Duet with me? Please? Let me know if you're interested!
If you ask me, I'll most likely be in your collab or duet. I don't like auditioning really...because people always want specifically that song you auditioning for to be covered and it's just too much work to make a cover of every song I'd like to do... only to not make the cut :( But I'll still audition for SOME things.
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