"The Joint"
"The Joint"'s Channel
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"The Joint"
Welcome to the 9 Member Network of Small YouTube Channels that is the Unified Network of Channels! UNC is composed of [ZMQ] Z McQueen, [TS] Tricabella Studios, [LG] Legendary Gamerz, [HR] HoxenshatteredRulez, [Bl] Bostonian Luke, [JS] Jamal Solo, [RC] Raging Chaos, [CC] Crispy Chris, and [LITZ] linkittosophie! We make gaming videos on Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4, and PC. We play on Call of Duty, Garrys Mod, Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Minecraft, Destiny, ETC.

1st and 17th of every month: [AD] Adog5836

Monday: [AG] XALEX GHOSTX, [ZMQ] Z McQueen

Tuesday: [TS] Tricabella Studios, [RC] Raging Chaos

Wednesday: [LG] Legendary Gamerz, [NOX] Noxity

Thursday: [HR] HoxenshatteredRulez, [TP] Tankplays!

Friday: [SG] Saul Goodman, [LM] Layla May

Saturday: [CC] Crispy Chris, [JS] Jamal Solo

Sunday: [LITZ] linkittosophie, [HP] HetroPhazzeke
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