shy Akamori
shy Akamori's Channel
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shy Akamori
The name is Akamori, hopefully we can be friends!
I am a VTuber, artist, designer, gamer, anime fan and currently a full time content creator.
I first found out about VTubing in mid November of 2020 and the rest is history.. Of course what that meant for me, (an anime addict) was something I could see myself becoming. I have always been an artistic persona and I also have always found myself to be a little too hooked on the game Overwatch. So, when I stumbled across VTubing I realized it was an interesting niche and community that I resonated with and a craft that I felt would benefit me as a streamer.
I have also been a freelance video editor and graphic designer since approximately 2015.
I have been known to be a very go with the flow type of person so what that means is occasionally I am very down to Earth, while other times I am a complete nut-case.

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