RisingSunMEPs's Channel
RisingSunMEPs has no videos available.
MEPs in Progress:
☼ #5: Hit the Lights
Future MEPs:
☼ (none)
I will only have *3* unfinished MEPs up at a time. In order for me to upload new open MEPs, the closed MEPs must be completed and uploaded.
☼ If you want to pre-register for any future MEPs that you see on the Future MEPs list, send me a PM at RisingSunMEPs or leave a comment on this YouTube page and a part will be reserved for you. That is the only way that I can guarantee a spot for you unless you catch the MEP during its open public sign-ups.
☼ If you have any questions about anything listed in this channel description, feel free to let me know!
Channel Comments
There are no comments for this user.
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