Doreca Delbridge Business Psychologist
Doreca Delbridge Business Psychologist's Channel
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Doreca Delbridge Business Psychologist
Doreca Delbridge Business Psychologist
⚓If you measure success beyond financial gains and aren't afraid to challenge conventional wisdom, you’ll likely find content that resonates with you on this channel.

Hi, I'm Doreca Delbridge, MSc, a Business Psychologist who has spent the past 15+ years helping people design lives and brands that accentuate their uniqueness. I believe we all have distinct strengths that, when appropriately utilized, give us the competitive edge to stand out in the marketplace.

🌍 Growing up with introverted tendencies, I often felt I didn't quite fit specific molds. This was a blessing in disguise, as it sparked my curiosity about how people think, communicate, and find a sense of connection and belonging.

I pursued these curiosities through studies in hospitality and psychology and exposure to diverse cultures while living on three continents.

👉🏾 If you resonate with my point of view and want to explore an opportunity to work together, see the links below or email me.

Welcome to my channel 😀

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