Black history of Egypt
BLACK POWER ...The ancient Egyptians were Black (African). The Arabs currently living in North Africa are immigrants. In the same way that Europeans are immigrants in America. The Indians are what REAL Americans look like, but now the face of America is a European. It's called migration, colonialism and can even be considered globalism.
Arabs aren't original Egyptians. The originals are Africans who's complexion varies from midnight black to a reddish brown (Ethiopians). This is exactly how they depicted themselves in their hieroglyphic drawings and on statues thousands of years ago and it's exactly how they appear today all over the world.
There is no legitimate DNA evidence proving they were anything else.!!!
Beware of Eurocentric propaganda!!!
Also family please Subcribe to Sa Neter TV and Nile Valley History and any similar u tube channels BLACK POWER!!
Arabs aren't original Egyptians. The originals are Africans who's complexion varies from midnight black to a reddish brown (Ethiopians). This is exactly how they depicted themselves in their hieroglyphic drawings and on statues thousands of years ago and it's exactly how they appear today all over the world.
There is no legitimate DNA evidence proving they were anything else.!!!
Beware of Eurocentric propaganda!!!
Also family please Subcribe to Sa Neter TV and Nile Valley History and any similar u tube channels BLACK POWER!!
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