Dempsey (drunknpoet)
Dempsey (drunknpoet)'s Channel
Dempsey (drunknpoet) has no videos available.
Dempsey (drunknpoet)
Dempsey (drunknpoet)
Old man passes on his knowledge to the next generation.
I wear many hats including, but not limited to: Father, Husband, Drummer, Potter, singer, artist, writer, storyteller, martial artist, anime weeb, horror connoisseur, lover of physics / astrophysics, old-school metal head, body builder, and videogame / RPG enthusiast. I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons since the mid 80s. My favorite books are the Dragonlance series of novels. I write poetry, fiction/fantasy, lyrics, songs, and more. I also compose and digitally master / mix using the DAW known as AudioTool (out of Germany). I'm not as funny as I think I am, but I'm allowed my harmless delusions. I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little. I'm sure you will see me in the chat.
The Dangerous Dempseys album "Not Quite Insane" is now available on Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Shazam, Twitch, and many more.
We are on SoundCloud, AudioTool, Discord, Facebook, and Twitter; links should be in our videos.

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