Tracey Pence
Tracey Pence's Channel
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Tracey Pence
Tracey Pence has been a resident of Los Angeles for 20 years and a Realtor since 2004. She has established herself as the Realtor that clients want representing them as well as a professional her peers want to work with.

Prior to becoming a Realtor, Tracey held positions in finance, sales, media, politics and entertainment. These experiences helped sharpen her keen ability to adapt and negotiate in fast paced, high pressure situations.

All agents try to get the most for their clients, Tracey delivers. Getting top dollar for her sellers and negotiating to secure her buyers dreams are the results. In using preparation, knowledge and ability to create relationships Tracey is able to do this seamlessly and efficiently.

Buying and selling real estate can be overwhelming. Allow Tracey to use her experience, expertise and resources to give you a competitive edge in this ever changing market.

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