Jordan Br
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Jordan Br
Fernando Jordán Bretón Alvarez, Born & Raised In The Dominican Republic, San Francisco De Macoris On September 22, 1999, In ​​The Bosom Of A Humble Family, With Low Resources, & With Desires To Improve.

He ventured into music professionally at the age of 18 with his first song titled ´´Ganas De Amarte, a song that prompted him to continue composing and recording more songs due to the support acquired by the public.

After His First Song, He Continues His Musical & Artistic Career With Songs Such As " FREESTYLE DESAHOGO " " QUE SUBA " " JUNE 21 " " PARTY DE MARQUESINA " " 11:11 " " MAKING MONEY Feat DangerZ " “ OVER THE CRITICAL “ “ EH CALLE “ GRATEFUL “ ECLIPSE Ft Loanyi Más Flow “ “ BABY HAIR “ “ FILL YOU Ft Tito Rap “ “ NOCAP FT Jhay Disla “.

With An Extensive Portfolio Of Unreleased Themes & Collaborations, & Open To Future Collaborations.

Independent Artist & Open To Future Work Proposals.

#DominicanBr #PorEmcimaDeLaCritica #rainmusik

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