Enigma Studios
Enigma Studios's Channel
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Enigma Studios
Enigma Sudios, the Moviemaking Company

Enigma Studios is a Video-editing Company founded in 2009 by florent which is now beeing Leaded by TipsY.


You want a Video about you and your own Stuff? Feel free to contact us via Mail or Youtube.

Are you Interested to join us? No problem here are the rules:

- Your clip have to be longer than 1 minute.
- You are not allowed to use any of our Intros
- You can use any music you want.
- You can edit any Game you want

PS: We are highly searching for real MOVIE makers on CS:GO.

Do you want a Partnership with us?

- Send us a massage, what the Partnership is about 📧
Email: EnigmaStudios@web.de
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