Nate Spidgewood
Nate Spidgewood's Channel
Nate Spidgewood has no videos available.
Nate Spidgewood
I've been serving the YouTube community since 2006. I was once known as NES1995 until I worked on an effort to move to a bigger and better channel due to the fact that a bug occurred in my old account and allows so many people to send me insulting private messages and write rude comments and spam on my channel and videos. Prior to 2008, I made really pointless videos and the ones that don't make sense which have been removed in late 2007. In early 2008, I begun making good videos only. Up until June 2009, this account remained a channel for logo fans just like its predecessor.

These videos are copyright © Nate Spidgewood (me). Don't EVER steal my property without my permission (especially for rants, impersonations and other hateful videos of yours).
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