Jakub Przyrodnik
Mam 18 lat. Od małego interesuję się przyrodą głównie ptakami. Będę tu zamieszczał moje filmiki z wypraw na ptaki.Zapraszam do oglądania i subskrybowania :)
I'm 18. I've been interested in nature especially birds for as long as I can remember :) I'm going to share my short videos from my birdwatching trips. If you enjoy any of my videos please subscribe, share it with anyone who likes nature and of course hit the like button :)
I'm 18. I've been interested in nature especially birds for as long as I can remember :) I'm going to share my short videos from my birdwatching trips. If you enjoy any of my videos please subscribe, share it with anyone who likes nature and of course hit the like button :)
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