HimariWasTaken / QUITTED
HimariWasTaken / QUITTED's Channel
HimariWasTaken / QUITTED has no videos available.
HimariWasTaken / QUITTED
HimariWasTaken / QUITTED
Most all of my videos are officially public but the others are deleted due to being abandoned, I officially quited so feel free to unsubscribe because I've changed alot since lockdown.. I have no interest on making videos in this shitty channel anyways... I lost almost all of my friends due being inactive, I don't really know what to do anymore so maybe I'll hide this channel or delete it or just let it stay like this.. I don't know I just wanted to heal right now and I'm never coming back into this channel anymore, I feel so insecure, anxious and helpless to this channel it just drains everything within me. So I made a new channel to do a fresh new start of my internet life. Pft.. everyone is just raised by internet life though?, I really hate this life I wanted a freedom and I guess a fresh new start on other channel will be fun..
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