NickJonasWifey1234's Channel
NickJonasWifey1234 has no videos available.
my channel for others to enjoy and get to know me. watch my vids and other stuff xD
a white man said," Colored people aren't allowed here."
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said.
" Listen sir.. when I was born i was BLACK"
" When I grew up I was BLACK,"
" When I go in the sun I'm BLACK,"
" When I'm sick I'm BLACK,"
" When i'm cold I'm BLACK,"
" When I die i'll be BLACK."
" But you sir,"
" When you were born you were PINK,"
" When you grew up you're WHITE,"
" When you're sick you're GREEN,"
" When you go in the sun you're RED,"
" Whe you're cold you turn BLUE,"
" And when you die you turn PURPLE,"
" And you have the nerve to call me colored?"
the black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...
repost( or put on ur page) if you HATE racisim
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