Julia Zivic
Julia Zivic's Channel
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Julia Zivic
Julia Zivic wants you to stop what you’re doing and listen.

With inspirations ranging from the Beach Boys to Amy Winehouse, her music walks the tightrope between gentility and power, and it makes that balancing act look easy. Zivic’s simple chord progressions allow introspective lyrics and haunting melodies to shine in a way that rewards attentive listeners. And her multi-layered harmonies provide enough ear candy to satisfy any sweet tooth.

Zivic, a Taurus, was raised by a touring musician and a writer. Her Connecticut childhood, spent wandering through forests and bending the wind with her voice, trained her in creativity and self-expression. That training shows up everywhere in Julia’s music, which follows the listener like a kind spirit that reminds you everything’s going to be okay.

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