Gray Man Prepping
Gray Man Prepping's Channel
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Gray Man Prepping
Gray Man Prepping was started back in 2013 to help travelers navigate regulations on cruise ships, trains, and airplanes. After a year it went into hiatus as those agencies took over doing it.
Now I am bringing it back and posting all of my new preparedness videos here instead of on my homesteading, channel Camppatton Family Compound.
There are several topic video series that I am working on; Prepping For Beginners, Your Prep For Today, Prepping in Private, Prepper Pantry, and soon Prepper Builds.
I have been teaching Emergency Preparedness and Response since 1971. I recently retired from DHS. I was the Emergency Management Coordinator. I wrote the Emergency Base Plan and 40 plus Tactical Response Plans (TRP). I am a FEMA certified instructor in ICS 100, 200, 300, 400, and IS 800, 900 and a couple of other courses.
I hope to be making my survival novels available soon
My live streams are Tuesday at 10:00 pm and Thursday at 11:55 pm eastern time.

PO Box 3 Basalt Id 83218

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