They told me not to push the button... I should have listened... DAMN YOU CURIOSITY!! Now I'm trapped in the interwebs!! Doomed to play strange and wonderful games in the hopes that somewhere someone is smiling or laughing as a result... I hope to one day make many laugh and smile, then my time here would not have been wasted, these experiments!!! They would all be worth it, even if only one person was smiling because of them... Take a step closer to the glass and gaze at what has become a nameless number, press your hand to the glass, reach through and (hit that subscribe button ;P) you will be warmly welcomed into the world of crazy delight xD a world that hopefully offers you a little light in the darkness :)
Most importantly have fun and be who you are without restraint :D All are welcome :) Hope you find some laughter here :)
Most importantly have fun and be who you are without restraint :D All are welcome :) Hope you find some laughter here :)
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